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Announcing my intention to run for CCA President in 2025

Started by Barry Sherwood R-9037 (admin), Jun 05, 2024, 02:55 AM

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Barry Sherwood R-9037 (admin)

Hello, everyone.  I wanted to wait until the 2024 election was over before announcing my intention to run for CCA President in the 2025 election cycle.  In due time, I will post my resume including a description of my involvement with the club, and a list of things I intend to do as President should I succeed in my bid to lead this organization.  In the meantime, please visit my campaign site (below) when you have a moment.

I will be helping setup at the convention on Tuesday and Wednesday, and attending virtually all of the events on Thursday and Friday, so if you want to meet me or ask any questions or make suggestions for changes to the club you'd like to see, I'll be around.  Most of the dealers, officers, and volunteers know me from prior events so if you're trying to find me, just ask around and someone will likely be able to point me out.  I have to leave early Saturday morning for a family trip so unfortunately I won't be at the convention on the last day.

Here's a picture of me in case you don't know what I look like.

Looking forward to a hopefully successful (and mud-free) campaign.

Thank you,

-- Barry Sherwood
Campaign Website:
I'm a collector of $5 Nevada casino chips.  My want list can be found here: