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$5 Holiday Casino, Las Vegas N4632 vs. N4632.e

Started by Barry Sherwood R-9037 (admin), Sep 11, 2023, 02:47 PM

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Barry Sherwood R-9037 (admin)

On Chip Guide (, it shows N4632 as having a red paddlewheel on one side and a yellow one on the other.  My specimen has red paddlewheels on both sides.

In addition, TCR says N4632.e has "2 inlays obverse".  There is no example/picture of this on, so I'm not sure what that looks like.

Anyone able to clarify?  And if you have one of the error chips, can you please submit it to chipguide so they can publish it?
I'm a collector of $5 Nevada casino chips.  My want list can be found here:

Jim Follis LM-3872-53


Interesting. With respect to The MoGH's ChipGuide entry for this chip, I question whether or not both images are from the same chip, because, the inserts are well rounded on one side, but not on the other, which are more serrated. Also, I am not sure how the two different colors of the paddle wheels would not list this chip as an error chip.

With respect to TheChipRack (TCR) reference of an error version having 2 inlays on one side, I would take that as there are two physical inlays pressed onto the chip on one side.

You can contact the ChipGuide webmaster, Charles Kaplan to look back and see if the two images were submitted at different times, or did Greg Susong list them as one chip many years ago and over time did the "error" connotation somehow disappear. Also, contact one of the TCR authors about the double inlay error. Their notes may show ownership.

Charles Kaplan LM-0115-048

Both images were submitted at the same time on 12/13/2010.  Haven't been changed since.

Barry Sherwood R-9037 (admin)

Should I submit both sides of mine so the guide has clean red-on-both-sides images?
I'm a collector of $5 Nevada casino chips.  My want list can be found here:

Jim Follis LM-3872-53