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Jerry Vergatos secures 5 new members for CCA at SNCCC Spring Show

Started by Barry Sherwood R-9037 (admin), Mar 09, 2025, 01:34 PM

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Barry Sherwood R-9037 (admin)

I made a little wager with Jerry Vergatos that if he got five new members for the CCA at his Spring show, I would personally pay him a little bounty. Jerry came through with flying colors. I have all of the signed hardcopy applications, and the dues for the first year in hand, which I will forward on to Jay Sands for membership processing, and sending the money to our treasurer, Bud Wizinski. I want to thank Jerry for stepping up and helping the CCA. He did a great job. I guess I should've made it 10 new members, huh? vbg
— Barry

P.S. The conditions were that the new members can not have been active, paid members for the last five years. Renewals also don't count.
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