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Chip Guide

Started by John Skinner R-6438, Jun 22, 2024, 04:33 PM

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John Skinner R-6438

Just went on Chip Guide and got "Error 501-Internal Server Error". Below that says "Please try again later". Guess problem is being worked on and I will try again later. Just thought members would like to know. Thanks!

Barry Sherwood R-9037 (admin)

It's working fine for me right now and I've been on and off it all day. Charles mentioned that the site (or his server) was getting hammered with traffic and he blocked some offending sources and thought he had the problem solved. Unfortunately, I don't have any top level server access to go in and see what's going on to work on that, so we will have to hope that Charles is continuing to monitor things. Thanks for mentioning it, though. Better to say something then have the problem because nobody reported it.
I'm a collector of $5 Nevada casino chips.  My want list can be found here: